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Assorted Email snippets from Mack Price to Leslie Price;Clarifying information exchanged via Q&A over a lengthy period of time.

Other miscellaneous email notes from Mack Price to Leslie Price:

Johnny Reynolds, husband to Grace Edwards, father to (blank—not sure of first name) Reynolds (who was father to Keith Reynolds.  “blank” worked in the natural gas business around Sunray and was killed in an explosion at a compressor station.  Johnny was the janitor at the Follett schools and was killed in a car wreck.  Grace was injured but survived.  They ran off a road into a canyon and were trapped in their car for several days.  Johnny, janitor; son ?, gas company; Keith, my age but left as you note

Leslie to Mack: Samuel Scott Daniel Mattie's 4th kid, 8 years younger than your mother, died in 1940. You're thinking that maybe HE was the one killed in a fight over a poker game? I'd always had it that Annie's son Obie Lee Hall was the one killed in a poker fight.
Mack to Leslie: It was probably SS killed in the poker game because I remember meeting Obie and he was crippled and was probably still around in ’45.  that’s about the best I can do.


Keywords: Document

Linked toJames Malcolm Price, Genealogy correspondence: Mack Price to Leslie Price, Recipient: Leslie Diane Price , Author Address: Houston, TX (2000's)

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