Ebenizer Taber[1]

Person ID: I904
Name Ebenizer Taber Name Ebenezer Taber [1] Born 1693 Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States [1]
Gender Male Died 5 Oct 1772 [1] Siblings 1. Thomas Taber, b. Est 1680, d. Yes, date unknown 2. Elizabeth Taber, b. Aft 1680, d. Yes, date unknown 3. Mary Taber, b. Aft 1680, d. Yes, date unknown -
Father Joseph Taber, b. Bef 3 Feb 1646, d. 20 Jan 1734/35, New London, New London, Connecticut, United States (Age > 88 years)
Mother Hannah Gray, b. 26 Jun 1659, Massachusetts, United States , d. Between 1704 and 1707, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States
(Age 44 years)
Married 1680 -
Wife Abigail Taber, b. 2 May 1693, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States , d. Aft 19 Sep 1765 (Age > 72 years)
Married 1 Dec 1715 Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States [1]
- they were first cousins
Children 1. Paul Taber, b. 30 Mar 1716, d. 1774 (Age 57 years) 2. Thomas Taber, b. 28 Oct 1717, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States , d. 20 Mar 1802, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
(Age 84 years)
3. Mary Taber, b. 24 Aug 1719, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States , d. Aft 1745, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
(Age > 27 years)
4. Joseph Taber, b. 21 Sep 1721, d. 11 Jul 1798 (Age 76 years) 5. Hannah Taber, b. 1723, d. Yes, date unknown 6. Water Taber, b. 4 Sep 1725, d. 17 Jun 1731, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States (Age 5 years)
7. Lydia Taber, b. 1728, d. Yes, date unknown 8. Water Taber, II, b. 1 Oct 1731, d. 9 Jun 1806, Danby, Rutland, Vermont, United States (Age 74 years)
+ 9. Jacob Taber, b. 2 Oct 1735, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States , d. 26 Feb 1815, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States
(Age 79 years)
Other Personal Events
Anecdote - Note: Biography of Ebinezer Taber (1693-1772) from Taber Family Tree, December, 1995, p. 2:
In 1713/1714 Ebenezer Taber, cordwainer, of Tiverton buys from his brother Philip Taber 36 acres "west end of 13th lot in number among sixty-one acre lots east of Punsassat outlet" (Bristol Co. Deeds 10:187). On 1 Feb 1713/1714 his father, JosephTaber the mason for œ100 sells him 60 acres in Punkatest (10:688). In deed he and Abigail, his wife, sell land for œ56 (11: 168). On 23 Aug 1717, his father Joseph Taber sells to him (19:294). In same book he and his father sell land in Tivertonto Thomas Manchester, the deed is recorded 1729/1730 (19:268). In 1727 Ebenezer sells (17:454). On 1 June 1731, Ebenezer buys land near the Manquit Mill Lot (31 :447). In 1731/1733 in mill lot region he buys from Philip Gray and Thomas Gray ofTiverton and from Job Almy of Newport (21:446,447). In 16 April 1740, Ebenezer purchases land in Tiverton from John Springer of Dartmouth. Ebenezer lived to 1772, but we will explore only Tiverton Land Deed Book volume 1. On 26 Feb 1750/1751 JobAlmy for œ98 sells to Ebenezer Tabor of Tiverton land in Tiverton eastward end of Nomquot Mill lot one of ye tracts of ye ? of ye 7th lot in Nomquot mill lot (1:88). On 20 August 1750 Ebenezer, yeoman gives three deeds with his son Paul Taber andRestcome Sanford as witnesses (1 :242, 243, 244).
In the first "for love goodwill and affection" to son Thomas Taber of Tiverton blacksmith "gives land in Tiverton land where Thomas now dwells", north side of 13th lot Puncatest outlet and Dartmouth. In the second deed, Ebenezer gives to "my sonJoseph Taber of Tiverton tanner" one acre "Joseph Taber's now dwelling house and farm and another tract in Tiverton. In the third deed "for love ...to my beloved son Paul Taber'' in the presence of Joseph Taber and R. Sanford. On20 May 1763 heforœ1000 paid by my son Joseph sells (1:314). On 9 March 1765 for love to my son Jacob Taber gives him land in Tiverton in the presence of Lydia Taber (his daughter) and R Sanford (1 :365). On 29 March for œ550 paid by Jacob Taber, he sells and (1:364). And he deeds to Water Taber, his remaining son ( l:4241).
The Rhode Island Archives give him as Freeman l746/1747 Deputy 1752. He appears in Deputies and Freeman until 3 April 1767. He made his will 19 Sep 1765 and it was executed 5 October 1772 (Tiverton Wills, pp.179-182). He names wife Abigail; fivesons Paul, Thomas, Joseph, Water, and Jacob and two daughters Hannah Hart and Lydia (unmarried).
Family Search ID LDQT-7NY Occupation cordwainer _UID D3EB3FF0B29F4714AC4FA4090C5CEC41D629 - Note: Biography of Ebinezer Taber (1693-1772) from Taber Family Tree, December, 1995, p. 2:
Event Map
Born - 1693 - Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States Married - 1 Dec 1715 - Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island, United States = Link to Google Earth
Source Citations
- [S73] Rosemary Listenberger, "Compiled Research: Taber family", letter and documents to Barbara Brown, (23 March 1993), copy in possession of Leslie Price., Handwritten family group sheets, unknown original source.
- [S73] Rosemary Listenberger, "Compiled Research: Taber family", letter and documents to Barbara Brown, (23 March 1993), copy in possession of Leslie Price., Handwritten family group sheets, unknown original source.