Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States


Baker-Bussey Cemetery, also known as Barth Woods Cemetery, is located in Section 33 Range 25 W, Township 20 N, just below Shady Grove. There are many unmarked stones which have fallen over, and one ‘home-fashioned' crypt made of sandstone slabs. Information given by Alva M. Smith, Garland TX, May 1987.

Cemetery Listing from Arkansas Gravestone Project

Name-- Description-- DOB-- DOD


Baker, Martha A. --Wife of Frederick--2-13-1840--5 Nov. 1857

Bussey, Jamison----8-29-1821--11-3-1858

Bussey, James M--Son of J.& M.--5-10-1856--11-16-1857

Bussey, Wm. D. ----12-3-1841--12-29-1858

Bussey, Francis W.--Son of J.&M.--5-28-1851--2-11-1856; /66?

Brumley, Infant--of P. & W.E. 15 days--5-1867

Head, Jane ----4 18 1834--1 16 1868

According to tradition, these people are also buried here.

Baker, John--b. In S.C.--1781--1862

Price, William Isaac--b. In TN--1821--1858

Price, Cynthia Woods-- wife of William --1821--1858

Shy, Mary--Per Alice Pugh----10 1987

Denny, W.B. --Per Alice Pugh----3 11 1863

Moody, Caroline--Per Alice Pugh----1 19 1869

Bullock, Jeannette--Per Alcie Pugh--no dates

Baker, Jonathan--son of John per Baker history--1817

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Placing Section/Township/Range on Google Maps

Latitude: 36.3647194, Longitude: -93.5677806


   Name   Location 
1.Baker-Bussey CemeteryCarroll, Arkansas, United States


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID 
1 Bussey, Francis W.  Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I2025
2 Bussey, James Morticah  Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I2026
3 Bussey, Jamison  Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I1990
4 Bussey, Nancy Jane  Aft 1861Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I2039
5 Bussey, William D.  Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I1995
6 Denney, Martha  Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I4035
7 Denney, Mary  Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I4032
8 Denney, William  1863Baker-Bussey Cemetery, Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, United States I2038